Author: bl_endo

Researchers looking for an alternative to uterus transplants successfully restored uterine structure and function in rabbits using bioengineered uterine tissue. The research, published in Nature Biotechnology, showed that the engineered tissue developed native tissue-like structures and was able to support pregnancies leading to live births....

Low ovarian reserve with few eggs collected associated with a higher risk of chronic disease. A follow-up study of almost 20,000 young women who had a first cycle of IVF in Denmark between 1995 and 2014 indicates that those who responded poorly to treatment, with few...

The largest study looking at long-term outcomes of fertility preservation in female cancer patients has demonstrated how successful it can be, in particular for breast cancer patients. The research, presented at the virtual meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology 2020 followed 879...

The Endometriosis Fertility Index (EFI) is a good indicator for predicting pregnancy achieved without use of assisted reproductive technology (ART), according to a meta-analysis of 17 studies involving 4,598 women. Patients with low Endometriosis Fertility Index (EFI) scores may not have a strong chance of a...

An analysis of sperm from men who were part of a couple whose partner was undergoing in-vitro fertilization (IVF) identified differences in samples between obese vs nonobese men. Specifically, there were differences in the levels of 27 proteins contained in the sperm. Importantly, all 10 men...

The fluid that surrounds an egg when it is released from the ovary acts as a chemical attractant to sperm, but may also select sperm from certain males over others. Researchers from the universities of Manchester and Stockholm showed that follicular fluid contains chemical signals that...

Donor eggs provide the best chance of success for many women undergoing IVF. But it wasn't clear whether using fresh or frozen donor eggs in IVF improves the chances of success, so a team from the University of Colorado and Duke University analyzed nearly 37,000...

Endometriotic patients who were underweight before conception had a significantly higher rate of preterm birth (PTB) than underweight women without endometriosis, according to the findings of a new study publised in Reproductive BioMedicine Online. Researchers examined the impact of preconception maternal body mass index (BMI) on...

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