soussis and endometriosis Tag

By I.Soussis, MD, MSc, FRCOG, Fertility Specialist   Scientists from the Feinstein Institute for Medical Research announced an experimental, rapid and non-invasive way to diagnose endometriosis, which may lead to earlier and more effective treatments for this disorder that affects approximately 176 million women globally. The scientists found...

  BY I. SOUSSIS MD FERTILITY SPECIALIST A new study, which followed more than 72 thousand women for more than 20 years, has found that breast feeding is linked to a lower risk of being diagnosed with endometriosis. Researchers found that among the 72,394 women who had one or...

By I.Soussis MD Egg donation is a fantastic tool in our hands, that allows us to explore how endometriosis affects the results of IVF. Its action is through the endometrium or through the quality of the oocytes and subsequently through the quality of the produced embryos? In trying to answer...

By I. Soussis MD How successful is intrauterine insemination in infertile women with endometriosis? Tummon et al. 1997 enrolled 103 infertile couples with endometriosis stage I and II in a prospective randomized  study. Of those patients 53 underwent superovulation treatment with gonadotrophins and intrauterine insemination (127 cycles)...

By I.Soussis MD How high is the percentage of natural conception and pregnancy in women with untreated colorectal endometriosis? Erasmo et al. from Genova, Italy attempted to answer this question. Their study was presented at the ESHRE annual conference in Lisbon in 2015. The study involved 55 patients with colorectal endometriosis,...

[caption id="attachment_2741" align="alignnone" width="400"] Image courtesy of imagerymajestic at[/caption] By I.Soussis MD If women suffering with endometriosis have a higher risk of adverse pregnancy outcome in early pregnancy, such as spontaneous miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy, was not well documented up to now. A study from Japan compared...

By I.Soussis During the early days of IVF treatment, patients were placed into two groups; one which dealt with tubal factors and which was considered to have a better outcome and a second one, which encompassed all other causes of infertility.  Patients with endometriosis were placed into...

[caption id="attachment_2726" align="alignnone" width="412"] Image courtesy of pat138241 at[/caption] By I.Soussis The relationship between smoking and endometriosis is not very clear.  The conclusions of many studies are rather conflicting and opposing. In a study from Portugal, women who smoked or had stopped smoking, had a smaller chance of...

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