COVID-19 Tag

A new study looking at more than 40,000 pregnant women adds new evidence supporting the safety of COVID-19 vaccine during pregnancy. Pregnant women who contract COVID-19 have an increased risk of disease severity and death. Despite this, only 31% of pregnant people in the United States...

Απότομη αύξηση του αριθμού των γυναικών που απευθύνονται σε κλινικές γονιμότητας για την πιθανότητα να καταψύξουν τα ωάριά τους παρατηρείται στη Βρετανία. Σε ορισμένες κλινικές η αύξηση του ενδιαφέροντος για κατάψυξη ωαρίων που γίνεται για κοινωνικούς λόγους και όχι λόγους υγείας, φθάνει το 50 τοις...

Males who suffer from moderate or severe cases of COVID-19 could experience reduced fertility, according to a new study conducted by Dr. Dan Aderka of Sheba Medical Center. Aderka reported that not only was the virus found within the sperm of some 13% of screened male...

Pregnant women infected with COVID-19 may pass on the disease-causing virus to their baby through the placenta, researchers in France suggest. In their study, published in Nature Communications, the authors describe the case of a newborn child which presented with SARS-CoV-2 infection shortly after birth and...

Findings suggest abnormal blood flow between mothers and babies in utero The placentas from 16 women who tested positive for COVID-19 while pregnant showed evidence of injury, according to pathological exams completed directly following birth. Αccording to the findings of a new Northwestern Medicine study, the type...

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