deep infiltrating endometriosis and pregnancy Tag

[caption id="attachment_2741" align="alignnone" width="400"] Image courtesy of imagerymajestic at[/caption] Obstetric complications in women with endometriosis By I.Soussis MD Women with endometriosis present an increased chance of complications during pregnancy, compared to those without. A large Swedish study comprised of 8.922 women with endometriosis, who gave birth to 13.090...

By I.Soussis MD How high is the percentage of natural conception and pregnancy in women with untreated colorectal endometriosis? Erasmo et al. from Genova, Italy attempted to answer this question. Their study was presented at the ESHRE annual conference in Lisbon in 2015. The study involved 55 patients with colorectal endometriosis,...

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