Women who suffer from endometriosis often find it difficult to sleep. There are many factors relating to endometriosis and its symptoms that can disturb sleep patterns: Pain and discomfort Most women with endometriosis report moderate to severe pelvic pain that increases before and during their period, as...

By I Soussis MD  Contraceptive implants Implanon NXT and Mirena significantly curb pelvic pain and menstrual cramping in women with endometriosis, improving their health-related quality of life, researchers from Spain report. The study, “Control of endometriosis-associated pain with etonogestrel-releasing contraceptive implant and 52-mg levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system: randomized...

By I.Soussis MD Estrogen could be responsible for endometriosis-associated chronic pain by activating a type of immune cells called macrophages and nerve cells, which increases inflammation and sensitivity, according to a review study. The article “Villainous role of estrogen in macrophage-nerve interaction in endometriosis” was published in...

By I. Soussis MD,MSc, FRCOG, Fertility Specialist The Food and Drug Administration announced the approval of the commercial version of the drug elagolix for the treatment of endometriosis pain. This is the first time in over a decade that an oral treatment specifically designed for endometriosis pain has been...

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